Simple Swaps - Bars Edition

Bars can do it better.
When it comes to simple swaps, bars have got you covered! This is a textbook case of what's old is new again. Bar soaps used to be the only option, and more & more these days people & producers are turning to our old solid friends for a plastic-free, package-free solution.
Something is in the air right now, and lots of people are asking us about switching to bars for cleaning their homes & their bodies. But the waste-reduction benefits are not the end of the conversation! Using bar soap vs. the liquid alternative saves water & energy, too...WIN! WIN! WIN!
We use a solid dish soap to wash our dishes. And it is awesome. It's sudsy, fights grease, and lasts a super long time. I particularly geek out about how hands-free it is. Just rub your wet sponge or brush on the block, and wash!
I also use this dish block to clean everything else in my kitchen: counters, stove, fridge, microwave, walls, floor - YOU NAME IT. You can even use it as a stain remover or carpet spot remover. I mean, this thing is powerful.
Obviously you know that you can wash your hands with a bar soap, but with specialized & high-quality bars for face, hair, body & even lotion! Your bath routine can be 100% solid. No plastic, no package, no fuss.
The bars that we talk about most in the shop are shampoo & conditioner bars. In the last couple of years high-quality, no compromise bars for your hair have appeared on the market. Our shop faves are HiBAR and Dip. They are effective and you don't have to settle for limp, greasy or dry hair. You CAN have it all.
If you get a high quality shampoo or conditioner bar they should also last a very long time, and be able to stand up to life in the shower. But when it comes to storage in the shower, high & dry are the key words. You'll want a draining soap dish, and make sure they don't live directly in the stream.
The moral of the story is that bars are doing the heavy lifting, reducing waste and making your home & body look amazing.