GoGo Donate's to Portland Housing Authority!

GoGo’s mission has always been to support anyone and everyone in making the transition to a low-waste and more sustainable lifestyle.
We know that ‘environmental change' is only sustainable and impactful when practices are made accessible to all members of our community. Our mission is to spread awareness and accessibility, and support people facing barriers of entry to living a more low-waste lifestyle.
In the past we have partnered with local organizations to reach people and families who don’t have access – be it education or affordability – to non-toxic, biodegradable and overall better home, body & cleaning products. We're so excited to announce our partnership with Portland Housing Authority and their Family Self Sufficiency / ROSS Program. By partnering with them we not only can provide clean, safe and non-toxic home & cleaning supplies to their participants, but we also get to provide the opportunity for refill.
Our Partnership
PHA helps families and adults reach self-sufficiency by linking them with services to make sure they can meet their basic needs. Through these services they "aim to empower our participants so they can take care of themselves and their families and live the lives they want."
For this partnership, we have donated 8,070 ounces of hand soap, dish soap and all-purpose cleaner (made locally by Good Natured Brand) to be distributed to individuals by PHA.
The products that GoGo donated will be distributed through the Sagamore Village Food Pantry - which will be distributed to individuals in stickered, refillable pump containers so that they can be refilled again (&again) when needed. Our initial donation covers over 130 cleaning kits for families & individuals.
The Breakdown
We donated 17.5 gallons of each product (hand soap, dish soap and all-purpose cleaner) for cleaning kits for the PHA. Our goal is to both provide clean products to all people, as well as instill and educate the importance of reuse and refill.
To break it down a little further...this amounted to 420 single-use plastic containers that were prevented with this one batch of refills! Wow! We like those numbers.